Swimming on Spring Break

Sunday, March 25, 2012

This week was spring break for the schools here in Murfreesboro.  Since it was spring break our sitter was on vacation so we got to spend some extra days off with the kids!  Tracy, my sister-in-law, kept them for a couple of days and Steve and I split kid duty the other days.  I actually really enjoyed having an extra day off with them.  It felt kind of like I had a spring break too.  (Yep, grown up spring break is one day.)  On my extra day we went to the indoor pool at Patterson Park, the gym where I work out.

This was little Isla's first time in a swimsuit and in the water.  I think she is my water baby, she loved sitting by the pool.  Since Cian has become one the Avengers, he is a lot more brave.  Last summer he wasn't too keep on getting in the water or going down any slides.  He went right in and wanted to go down the little slide.  He did it a few times, until I got my camera out and then he didn't want to do it again.  He really wanted to go down the big slide but he wasn't tall enough.  I told him after swim lessons he could tackle the

We met my friend Jennifer and her kids. Her son Dillon is afraid of me, no joke.  I can understand why, the crazy moppy curly hair can be a little Medusaesque.  He gets really shy and doesn't want to let go of his mom around me.  I think I might need to bribe him with Little Debbies.  Cian loved swimming with her daughter Bayleigh (who is 10) and kept looking for her when she was going down the big ole slide.

The slide Cian went down 

That is Isla's finger in the way

Look at that cutie patootie in her swim suit

This is the "really, another photo" face

 Àfter the pool we put a blanket down in the front yard and and had some lounge time. Well, Cian ran around and played and Isla and I had lounge time.

I see a lot more swim days in our future and I can.not.wait for May when the outdoor pool opens!  Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

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