
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My tiny baby girl is growing right in front of my eyes.  She is not sitting up and saying "DaDa".  When did this happen?  She has this adorable personality that is coming out more and more with each day. 

Isla is a good little money but always very curious.  She is still snuggly but her snuggles sometimes include hair pulling or grabbing at whatever is around your neck or within arms reach.  She can now sit next to me while I fold clothes or do just about anything. Watch out though, she does the wobble a bit.

Like Mother, Like Daughter
Isla is not the only one growing before my eyes.  Cian is becoming so independent and can do about anything himself.  He laid his clothes out for me to see the other day before putting them on.  I'll show you what matches is what I imagined him saying in his head.

I can tell Cian is growing up because he wants to be more and more like daddy.  Gone is the baby and toddler boy who clung to mommy all the time and here to stay is the boy who wants to be a "muppet of a man".  I love it that he is starting to idolize his daddy, I knew the little baby boy attachment to mommy couldn't last forever.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't sad to see it go, but I am happy that he wants to be just like his daddy.  Mommy will always be there to dry tears, no matter how old you get my baby boy.

Like Father, Like Son
I will watch my children grow and I will continue to marvel at the lightning speed with which it is happening.  My life will not slow down and neither will my babies.  I am thankful for each and every moment I have with them because I know one day these will be the "good ole days."

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