Baby Brycen

Friday, August 24, 2012

Do you ever feel like everyone in the world is having babies?  I wonder what our generation will look like at 78 when we are checking facebook for new obituaries? Hahah, but really with the baby thing.  I have been part of this growing community of mommies and daddies and now I am so excited that my brother Ben and his wife Bonnie have joined our ranks.

This is their first baby.  I vividly remember those long days but short months of having your first baby.  The nights where you couldn't believe that child could be waking up already and the early morning cuddles as as you child nursed (or had a bottle) quietly.  It is life changing to say the least.  I am so excited for them to be experiencing this!

Brycen Brannan Parker
born July 22, 2012 at 1:15am
6lbs, 2 ounces
19 1/2 inches

We went down to visit them in the hospital the day Brycen was born and the kids had fun in the waiting room.

Ben and Brycen

The new parents

Baby Brycen
 A couple weeks after Brycen was born (he is a month old now) we went down to Chattanooga to visit the new family.  Ben and Bonnie are doing really well and are adjusting to parenthood like the rest of us, with sleep-filled eyes and no stinkin clue what you are doing.

 Isla was very interested in what her little tiny cousin was crying about.  Funny how a new baby can make your tiny little 9 month old look big.

I love looking at the faces of parents with a newborn.  Ben and Bonnie are much the same.  There is so much emotion going on in there, happy, sad, tired, overwhelmed.  The biggest thing I see is joy. Plain ole joy, joy for the life they just helped bring into this world, joy for the little person they are getting to know, joy at how their spouse is becoming a parent.  There is truly nothing like these first few months.  There are a lot of mysteries but one thing that is true is that these months will pass too quickly and you will not miss not sleeping but you will miss the tiny tiny miracle you hold in your hands.

I am so excited because I will have another new nephew in September when Steve's sister and her husband have their third baby!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Cute post. I love Isla's face in the first pic!

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