Welcome Baby Jake

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I have to tell you guys something that will come as quite a shock. Steve and I have another new nephew!!  I know, it seems our families (ok, especially his) are multiplying a lot and it is so much fun.  I mean, who doesn't like an entire army of kids running around and screaming on holidays?  All kidding aside, I am so excited to have so many nieces and nephews and that my kids have so many cousins around their age.

Steve's sister, Amanda and her husband Daniel had their third baby, Jacob Daniel on September 17th.  I was lucky enough to be off work the day he was born so the kids and I were able to go to Birmingham to visit and see them in the hospital.  I LOVE getting to see babies in the hospital.  They are so new and so fresh and the new baby smell (can someone package that please?) is so strong on their sweet little heads.  There is really nothing like a new life, a clean slate, a complete and utter miracle from God.  There is so much beauty in the rise and fall of their tiny little chest, the tiny grunting noises and the meek infant cries.  I think going to the hospital to see a newborn brings back that sweet serenity of the first days of your child's life as you get to know them and they get to know you.  (The feedings every two hours and crying fits, yours not theirs, are completely forgotten.)  Oh, how wonderful it is to reminisce with someone's newborn that you do not have to get up all night to nurse.  (P.S. I am mourning not nursing anymore, but that is another blog post altogether.)

It is also exciting to see your parents (or parent's in law in this case) become grandparents again. You would think that after the first two (or nine) it would lose it luster but it doesn't seem to.  I saw my parents with my nephew Brycen and Steve's parents with Jake and they are just as in love each and every time they get to be called a grandparent.

What am I waiting for, enough babbling, let's see a cute baby!  (Did you guys know there is a facebook app to block people's baby photos?  I know I must be all kinds of blocked!)

Maggie wanted to hang out with her mom.  I think Amanda wanted to sleep.

Belcher family of five

I love the way Will (the blond kid) looks holding his little brother in this picture.  He was so proud!

The proud grandpaerents

Bill and Karen and some of their grandkids at the hospital

Isla and Maggie will be best buds, just wait!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Awww, so cute, thanks! Will still loves his little brother and wants to hug and kiss him all the time, especially when Jake's asleep it seems to me. :)

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