Halloween Decorations

Monday, November 4, 2013

Do you ever find yourself thinking Pinterest can suck it?  Yes, I love it. Yes, I am obsessed with pinning many beautiful things but sometimes I just look at those crafts and think, "ain't nobody got time for dat." Well, I pulled our (very small amount) of Halloween decorations out on Halloween morning and decided to decorate with them. They are left over from a couple years ago when I was feeling all Martha Stewarty. (In actuality, I made them for a photo shoot and they have come in handy.)

In preparation for Halloween we did at least carve pumpkins ahead of time. Well, the week of Halloween...
 Steve is the designated pumpkin carver. He came up with the designs and had them drawn on the pumpkins when we got home.

 Cian saw a photo of a minion pumpkin and had to have one!
 Isla chose her little pumpkin because the bigger ones were too "heaby".  We couldn't carve it but hers is the only one still living.
 I imagine to myself she is saying "expecto patronum". 
 Steve's Oogie Boogie pumpkin.

Here are our last minute decorations for Halloween:

 Maybe I will be a little earlier for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year?

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