Diaper Cakes

Friday, October 15, 2010

I have always loved to craft, though I haven't always had time. My crafts seem to progress and change with the place I am in life. In college I liked to scrapbook and make mosaics (maybe the smashing glass with a hammer thing was nice). Now with the child in the family and all the diapers around it seems my natural progression has moved on to diaper cakes. (I can't bake so I might as well make a "cake" out of rolled up diapers). I did a lot of research online about them and scoped out how I wanted my diaper cakes to look.

The first one I made was for my friend Jennifer's sock monkey baby shower:

This one took the longest because it was first experience. I went through about a bazillion rubber bands and had a tough time with tissue paper. I like the inside of this one because concealed behind all those diapers was a bottle of wine for the new parents.
The second one was for my sister-in-law Amanda's lady bug shower:

I decided to give this one a more punchy look by adding receiving blankets and embellishments. I used the paper shreds like you would use for an Easter basket and some ribbon.

The third one I made was a rocket ship cake for my friends Michael and Jennifer from church:

I kept the punchy look with the receiving blankets but added socks to this one. Both the latter "cakes" have bodywash in the middle instead of a bottle of wine. Truthfully, the wine bottle is the perfect heght and the bodywash is a little short. I think from now on I will use a sparkling grape juice bottle in the middle if they don't drink or if I'm not sure if they drink.

I have lots of new craft projects on the horizon for Cian's upcoming birthday. The one I will be tackling this weekend is mod-podge letters for Cian's dessert table. I will post pics of how they turn out!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

They're all good, but I like mine the best :)

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